Application of Boron Carbide in Neutron Absorption

Application of Boron Carbide in Neutron Absorption

Boron carbide can effectively absorb nuclear neutrons without forming any radioactive isotopes. Therefore, it is an ideal neutron absorber in nuclear power plants, and neutron absorbers mainly control the rate of nuclear fission. In the application field, boron carbide can be made into nuclear reactor control rods to control the speed of nuclear reaction, and can also be made into storage barrels for nuclear waste, concrete infrastructure of nuclear power plants, and nuclear radiation shielding clothing to achieve the effect of shielding nuclear radiation. During the Chernobyl nuclear accident in 1986, Russia dropped nearly 2,000 tons of boron carbide and sand before finally stopping the chain reaction in the reactor. Obviously, the development of the nuclear industry is inseparable from boron carbide.

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